Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obama's foreign policy in pictures

President Obama promised his foreign policy would be less "arrogant" than George W. Bush's. Several recent pictures illustrate that he has kept part of his promise: he is only arrogant to our allies.

This picture shows President Obama shaking his finger at Stephen Harper, Canada's Prime Minister. I don't know what President Obama was bloviating about, but Secretary Clinton recently criticized the Prime Minister for not inviting Inuits to a conference regarding Arctic resources and for not including sufficient funding for abortions in its foreign aid. The Obama administration has also sternly lectured Israel about construction projects in Jerusalem and threatened the Honduran government for thwarting Manuel Zelaya's attempt to install himself as President for life.

On the other hand, if you are a foreign monarch or dictator, Obama will reflexively bow to you -- groveling is optional.

The late historian Bernard Lewis warned against a foreign policy that made us “harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend.” Unfortunately, President Obama seems oblivious to that danger.

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