Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is Hamid Karzai more corrupt than Rod Blagojevich?

The President's new-found concern with corruption in the Karzai government is passing strange. The President, after all, is the product of Illinois and Cook County political machines, neither of which is celebrated for its moral rectitude. Those political organizations also produced Rod "pay to play" Blagojevich, who would be serving his second term as Illinois Governor, were it not for certain federal wiretaps. Given his own background, methinks the president doth protest too much.

Moreover, Hamid Karzai was the President of Afghanistan back in March 2009, when president Obama formulated his "comprehensive" strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, after extensive consultations with President Karzai's government, among others. Now he decides that the Karzai government may not be worthy of our support? Who did the president think he was partnering with back in March?

The president needs to wake up and smell the poppies.

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