Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Venezuala's declining oil production

We know that Mexico's oil production is declining with no prospect of new supplies coming on-line in the foreseeable future. Now we have word that production in Venezuela is also declining. Bloomberg.com reports:

"What the media rarely report is that the existing plant in Venezuela is continuing to produce less and less oil every year--at this point roughly half of what it would normally be capable of extracting--because of bad management, the departure of qualified engineers, and plain old corruption, not to mention the squandering of petrodollars to buy political influence in Latin America and elsewhere (including Joe Kennedy's Massachusetts) instead of investing in maintenance, spare parts, and acquisition of new technology."

This merely confirms what many of us suspected, but it reinforces the need for the U.S. to aggressively develop its own natural resources. Mexico and Venezuela are two of our largest suppliers, and both are declining. Is anyone in Washington paying attention?

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