Friday, August 7, 2009

Obama 's drop a dime Hotline

And you thought the Patriot Act was an infringement of civil liberties. Now the Obama White House wants us to report "fishy" statements on the Internet regarding Obamacare. The snitch e-mail address is This is literally Orwellian. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says that the White House is not keeping a record of the people snitched on, but how would he know?

In fact, according to this Fox News article, the White House may be required to keep a record of such communications. Under a different federal statute, it may be illegal to keep such records. Go figure.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius assures(?) us weekly if not daily that the health-care bill is a work in progress. This week she chided people for criticizing Senator Arlen Specter for not having read the Senate version of the bill. Her "defense" of Specter was that the bill hasn't been written yet.

I have a question: if the legislation hasn't been written yet, and the drafts that do exist are continually being revised, what qualifies as a "fishy" statement about this shape-shifting chimera? And how can the President credibly give us "guarantees" as to what the eventual bill will or will not do?

Is this the new era of politics the President promised?

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